Natural Eyes from Too Faced


Happy New Year friends ! I'm glad to write on the blog, I know it's been a while since I posted anything. But as I said in my last post, I have a lot of work because of school. So I want to come back more stronger than ever or this new year, with some changes and also with a small article about the Natural Eyes palette from Too Faced ! I'm completely addicted to this palette, it includes 9 shadows in natural shades. What I especially love in this palette is that there are both neutral makeup and glittery makeup that allows to vary the looks. I can only recommend it, moreover the packaging is beautiful and also the format is very convenient to pack.

Bonne année les amis ! Je suis toute contente de pouvoir écrire sur le blog, je sais que ça fait un bon de temps que je n'ai rien posté . Mais comme je l'ai dit dans mon dernier article, j'ai énormément de travail à cause des cours.. Ce n'est pas pour autant que je reviens en force pour cette nouvelle année, avec certains changements et aussi avec un petit article présentant la palette Natural Eyes de chez Too Faced ! Je suis complètement accro à cette palette, elle se constitue de 9 ombres à paupières au tons naturels. Ce que j'aime dans cette palette c'est qu'il y a à la fois des fards neutres et des fards pailletés ce qui permet de varier les looks. Je ne peux que vous la recommander, d'autant plus que son packaging est magnifique et son format est très pratique à emporter.

First row : DAY// Heaven - Cashmere Bunny - Sexspresso
Second row : CLASSIC//  Silk Teddy - Push-up - Erotica
Third row : FASHION//  Nudie - Honey Pot - Chocolate Martini

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17 commentaires

  1. Great review dear, perfect Too faced!♥
    New post on my blog:

  2. great post ... have a nice day and week ... lovely...

  3. Je crois avoir trouvé la palette qui me correspondrait 😊

  4. Lovely post to welcome back your blog! Those palette colours look divine. Didn't Zoe showcase the same palette in her Makeup Storage vid? I'm not exactly the biggest fan of makeup but one makeup product i would potentially invest in would most definitely be eye makeup. Anyways, happy 2017

    Ps: I haven't been on this blog in quite some time.

    #sweetreats xx

    1. Your comment is so kind of you ! Yeah, I saw her video, I was totally agree with Zoe ahah ! Me too ! Happy 2017 and also thanks to visit my blog ♥

  5. Superbe article!
    Bon week-end!
    Gil Zetbase

  6. Thanks for sharing beautiful

  7. What a beautiful palette :) I love Too Faced products so much and I wish they sold them here in Germany.. I've been wanting one of those Chocolate palettes for the longest time. Lovely review <3
    Charlotte Luisa |

  8. These looks so lovely and pigmented!! I really want one :D

    xx Sofia | SOFIAADOT

  9. Salut!! J'habite en Amerique (j'ai etudie le francais dans le lycee) et j'ai trouve ton blog parce-que j'ai vu ta commentaire sur le blog d'Aspyn Ovard. Ton blog est tres, tres joli, et j'aime le nom! J'aim Too Faced aussi!

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  12. Gorgeous neutral shades. Lovely packaging too. xoxo Cris
    Latest post:

  13. Yay!I really loved reading your post! Hope you'll write more!

